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By bringing together the industry and the classroom, ProStart gives students a platform to discover new interests and talents to open doors for fulfilling careers. It happens through a curriculum that includes all facets of the industry, and sets a high standard of excellence for students and the industry.
Kentucky ProStart Sponsors:
Opportunities to become involved with Kentucky ProStart include but are not limited to:speaking to and or mentoring a ProStart class, offering internship/work opportunities to ProStart Students, making a donation to Kentucky ProStart or becoming involved as Kentucky ProStart event or sponsor.
20 plus schools in Kentucky are currently participating in Kentucky ProStart with several more interested in the program. If you have interest in the Kentucky ProStart School to Career Program for your high school culinary arts curriculum, please contact Rich Cleaves, [email protected]
Students participating at the National ProStart Invitational (NPSI) will demonstrate their knowledge of, passion for, and creativity in the restaurant industry through the Culinary and Management competitions. Participation reinforces the skills and knowledge learned from the ProStart program and the “Foundations of Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts” curriculum.
Each state has an opportunity to send a team for both the Culinary and Management competitions at NPSI. In Kentucky, this is done through the Kentucky ProStart Invitational (KPSI). The winners from each category are then sent to NPSI to represent Kentucky at the national level. The students get an experience of a lifetime by both competing against all the other ProStart programs, as well as having free time to explore new and exciting destinations.
NPSI is currently being held in Washington, DC, so there are many things to see and do while they are there for the competition.
We are always looking for team and program sponsors, so if you are interested in becoming part of this experience, please contact Rich Cleaves at [email protected] or calling at 502-400-3736.
The Kentucky Restaurant Association
133 Evergreen Road, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40243
Phone: (502) 400-3736
E-mail: [email protected]