About The KRA
About the Kentucky Restaurant Association
The planning for the Kentucky Restaurant Association began in early 1963 between the Louisville Restaurant Association (formed in 1933) and the Bluegrass Restaurant Association (formed in 1960). The membership of these two local restaurant associations, which included Col. Harland Sanders, Ed Hasenour & Fred Kunz Sr., became charter members of the KRA, with Albert J.Grisanti of Casa Grisanti as the first president. In 1964, the association was very small, now there are well over 1,000 members. The Kentucky Restaurant Association is a non-profit organization, run by its members. A Board of Directors, all members of the KRA, runs the Association. Each year elections are held to elect a new Chair-Elect, and all other officers move up in their board position, with the current Chair moving to Immediate Past Chair.
Committees are formed to help with the wide range of activities the KRA is involved in, from student scholarships to legislation to expos & “Tastes”. These committees are also made up of members, who want to actively participate in the Association.
The state headquarters, located in Louisville, has a staff available to help with the organization of events & meetings, keep members informed of the benefits, lobby for restaurant issues in Washington & Frankfort, and help them with the daily questions and problems in their business.
2022 Board of Directors
A Board of Directors, all members of the KRA, runs the Association. Each year elections are held to elect a new Chair-Elect, and all other officers move up in their board position, with the current Chair moving to Immediate Past Chair.
Members Benefit Information
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Legislative Issues
The Kentucky Restaurant Association works on many levels to protect small businesses’ interests in Kentucky, both through involvement and support of the National Restaurant Association, and affiliation with the Kentucky Retail Federation for lobbying efforts in Frankfort.
The Kentucky Restaurant Association
133 Evergreen Road, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40243
Phone: (502) 400-3736
E-mail: [email protected]